Healthy Habits
At Synergy we deeply value collective wisdom, which is why we collected the thoughts and advise of all the Retreat Leaders attending Synergy 2022, on 7 simple habits that can benefit your everyday wellbeing.
Why not set an intention and start the year trying to incorporate 1, 2 or all of them into your life?
Here they are:
1. Don't look at your phone.
Right when you wake up try and avoid looking at your phone. Instead, step away and take time for yourself. Also try and avoid using your phone during meals, so you can fully focus on eating mindfully.
2. Have a glass of warm water with lemon.
Do this first thing when you wake up to refresh and rehydrate your system, helping you feel clearer and lighter while cleansing the liver.
3. Connect to your breath.
Practice being with your breath for a few minutes. First become aware of your breath: slow, long and deep through the nostrils, counting to 5 on the inhale and 5 on the exhale. Paying attention to a long,slow deep breath will calm the parasympathetic nervous system and focus and clear your mind. Feed your body with each breath and feel alive.
4. Experience gratitude.
It doesn’t really matter what you feel grateful for, and it doesn’t matter if what you feel grateful for has been manifested yet or not: it is just important that you set yourself up for the practice of gratitude. When you feel grateful you ground yourself immediately, allowing an immense sense of joy to flow through your body so you can start the day feeling positive.
5. Meditate.
Build meditation practice into your routine bystarting off with 3 minutes each morning and slowly building to 10-15. This creates an intentional space to find quiet and stillness, so you can enter the day with a sense of calm.
6. Move your body.
Even just a few simple movements to stretch and connect with your body in the morning, or moving away from your desk during the day, will have a deep impact on your body and mind
7. Be in nature.
Make time to be in nature. Just a walk in the park can make wonders and positively impact the way we feel. Time in nature can help your body recover from illness and injury, it can also have a positive impact on your mental health. So, if you’re feeling under the weather or just need a boost, head outside and enjoy the healing power of nature.